Nodiee is a machine on a mission
Nodiee is a white noise machine for babies, toddlers, big kids and adults. It’s the calming sound of the ocean as you drift off to sleep or the glowing light that brings comfort through the night.

The Problem With Sleep
Research shows that as many as 4 in 10 Australians aren’t getting enough sleep.
Whether it’s from stress and worry, a shift working schedule or the impact of caring for a newborn or a toddler, for far too many people, sleep is hard to come by.
As humans, we need sleep to function, no matter how old we are. Sleep is restorative. When your nights are filled with enough sleep, you have enough energy to take on the challenges of the day.
It’s time to take a stand for your sleep. And Nodiee is right here to help.

Nodiee For Babies
If you haven’t yet experienced the benefits of white noise for babies, Nodiee will show you how it’s done. From blocking out the noise of older siblings at naptime to establishing a good newborn sleep routine, white noise machines have a big role to play.
Nodiee was first and foremost designed for babies. When the baby sleeps the whole family sleeps.
Parents love how easy Nodiee is to use. They love the incredible functionality, convenient portability and stylish design.
But what they love most of all is snuggles with a happy and well-rested baby… all thanks to a little Nodiee magic.

Nodiee For Kids
Nodiee isn’t just for babies. For kids that have monsters under the bed, a fear of the dark or separation anxiety at bedtime, Nodiee can help.
Nodiee can kick monsters in the butt, bring light to the darkness and be the familiar friend your little ones need when bedtime rolls around.
With in-built lullabies and multiple night light colours plus 2 rainbow settings, Nodiee is the answer to eliminating those sneaky little 3am visitors from appearing by your bedside.
Let them think Nodiee is a toy. At least you can sleep easy knowing Nodiee is stopping any monsters from invading your precious little person's dreams.

Nodiee For Adults
Fear not, Nodiee hasn’t forgotten about you. For the singles who like a little noise to help them drift off to sleep to the shift workers who need to drown out the noise of the household while they sleep during the day, Nodiee has your back.
Nodiee knew you would want in on the action. After all, why should the kids have all the fun?
The stylish and modern design means that Nodiee looks equally at home on the shelf in a nursery or sitting on your bedside table.
Get ready for the best sleep of your life.